Offer your contacts a business loan without collateral

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Varduhi Tananyan


FinTech (Accounting & Financial)



Publication date:



Pro Plan


A business loan without collateral is a type of financing where a lender provides funds to a business without requiring the borrower to pledge any assets as collateral.  Offering this kind of loan can be an important way to attract and retain clients. Many small business owners may not have valuable assets to offer as collateral and may be hesitant to take on a secured loan. By offering a loan without collateral, a lender can provide an accessible option for these businesses, which can help build trust and loyalty with clients. Additionally, this type of loan may also expand a lender's customer base and increase revenue opportunities.

By following this workflow, you can send business loan offers to your clients that do not require collateral.

It starts with the “Added to segment” trigger. After being added to the segment the platform will wait 15 days and send an email that will offer business loans without collateral. Following this, the platform will wait 3 days and check whether the contact applied for the business loan. If the answer is no the contacts will receive an email that will remind them about the loan offer. Then the platform will wait 4 days and check whether the contact applied for the business loan. If the answer is no they will receive a Web Push reminder. Otherwise, no further actions will occur.